Meet Me: 2014 Summer EcoWorker & Tech Training

Day 1 at the OVF Pavilion

Day 1 at the OVF Pavilion

Day 1. I can't believe that it's finally here. The first day that I can officially call myself the 2014 OVF Summer EcoWorker. I guess I should take this time to formally introduce myself. My name is Meghan Bernier. I am a Junior at the University of Massachusetts- Amherst. At UMass I had the opportunity  to design my own major, and in doing so, I created  Environmental and Infectious Disease Epidemiology.  

Block Island has been my summer oasis for as long as I can remember. As a little girl I can vividly recall the enormous amounts of fun I had participating in the Ocean View Foundation's activities. I dreamed of becoming the Foundation's Summer EcoWorker, and this year that dream was realized.

Technology was the topic of today. With a newly revamped website, Kim Gaffett (the Director of OVF) and I needed to master the new user interface. In addition to that, we also updated the OVF's social media presence with overwhelmingly positive results! I can't wait to capture and share the rest of my experiences with you all!

Until next time...Meghan